Tree Programs
Welcome to the Commemorative Tree Program
Thank you for visiting the Commemorative Tree Program. Santa Barbara Beautiful, in partnership with the City of Santa Barbara, helps fund the purchase of new city street trees. The City of Santa Barbara’s Urban Forestry Division plants and maintains all City Trees. The City of Santa Barbara has authorized Santa Barbara Beautiful to administer the Commemorative Tree Program to dedicate qualified existing city street trees.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How do I find a tree that qualifies for dedication?
- Existing city street trees–growing in the parkway: between the sidewalk and curb of the street—within the City of Santa Barbara. Previously dedicated trees with existing plaques do not qualify
Note: Park Trees do not qualify for commemorative tree plaques. (i.e. Shoreline Park; Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden, and so on)
What if I do not know the tree species of my selection?
- Email a full-length photo of the tree showing it growing in the parkway (from the tree well to the canopy) to
- Include the street address—block number of the street/ side of street/ZIP
- We will identify the tree species and let you know if it qualifies for dedication
What is the fee?
- New Tree Plaques: $325
- Replacement of Damaged Plaques: $200
What is the size?
- The metal inscription plate is 4” H x 6” W set in a sandstone concrete base
How do I apply?
- Click on our Online Application with Secure Online Payment
Will I see a proof of the Plaque before it is installed?
- Yes. A Plaque Inscription Proof will be sent via email for your Review & Approval.
What is the Certificate of Dedication?
- A handsome calligraphy certificate is issued once the plaque is installed that inscribes the Name of Honoree; the Donor; the Tree species & street location.
How long does it take to dedicate the tree?
- Please allow 4-6 weeks
- Please feel free to contact us with questions:

Because Santa Barbara Beautiful has participated in the planting of over 13,000 street trees, there are plenty of trees to choose from. This attractive design offers a 4″x 6″ horizontal plaque lettered on a dark background, embedded in a sandstone-colored concrete holder. The custom design features improved toughness and durability.

Trees are a special part of our commitment to the environment and present very special opportunities for our community.
Tree of the Month
“And this, our life, exempt from public haunts, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.”
– William Shakespeare, q. David Gress
We are excited to share this monthly series to help increase awareness and appreciation of Santa Barbara’s many outstanding public trees, and our support for planting thousands of street trees.
Written and photographed by David Gress, Santa Barbara Beautiful Board Member and Arborist for the City of Santa Barbara, the Tree of the Month columns have been a regular, popular feature on Santa Barbara news site Edhat. The series has now been included on this site as well, to revisit any day of any month.
- View the current Tree of the Month: Dragon Tree
- Browse the Tree of the Month archives
Neighborhood Street Trees
Santa Barbara Beautiful continues to preserve and protect Santa Barbara’s rich and diverse urban forest through its neighborhood street tree program. With your support and the hard work of City Parks & Recreation Department crews, this partnership has planted more than 13,000 street trees within the City of Santa Barbara.
Since 1980, the City of Santa Barbara has earned recognition as a Tree City USA from the National Arbor Day Foundation for 41 consecutive years. The City of Santa Barbara honors Santa Barbara Beautiful for its urban forest partnership with a yearly Arbor Day Proclamation at City Hall.
We hope you will enjoy this useful link from the Tree Care Information Resources site published by the City of Santa Barbara:
Commemorative Tree Dedication – Dedicated to the Memory of Larry Crandell