Community Grants

Santa Barbara Beautiful has a history of supporting the development of local beautification projects accessible to the public—often current or future local icons—and sponsoring important arts and culture events.

We have supported many projects over the years as diverse as the SB Botanic Garden Campbell Bridge Restoration; Tiny Libraries; Pianos on State Street; I Madonnari Italian Street Festival; SB Airport Terminal Visitor Entrance Medallion; East Beach Volleyball Courts upgrade; and, coming soon, the new Granada Plaza Mural.

Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden
Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden

Grant Applications

Apply today – or share this page with a deserving organization or project

  • Grant applications are reviewed monthly
  • Grant amounts currently range from $250 to $10,000
  • Grants are awarded for a wide range of Education/Cultural Projects, Public Art, and Public Landscapes, and the multi-year SBCC Environmental Horticulture Scholarship.
  • Public Art and Public Landscape projects must be visible / accessible to the public.
  • Preference is given to projects receiving support from multiple sources
    [email protected]

Application Checklist

  • Completed application form
  • Cover Letter stating importance of project to proposing organization
  • Project description
  • Complete budget for project, including other funding sources
  • Additional project information, such as specifications, blueprints, landscape designs, renderings, etc. (if applicable)
  • Additional supporting materials (if applicable)
Trio con brio Santa Barbara Beautiful Grants program
Trio con Brio